uDOUCHE Verification Center!
It is common knowledge that in Pyro's Kingdom theft of cMILK is commonplace. It is
simply a byproduct of having so many Rat-Catching Cats roaming the streets. When
those mischievous felines get thirsty, the first place they look is in unsuspecting
farmers' barns for unclaimed cMILK. On one notorious day, however, a new thief was
caught stealing what was not rightfully theirs.
Known simply as "Catty", this despicable garbage bin of a human would dress up like
a Rat-Catching Cat and steal all the cMILK she could get her hands on. Then, when the
townspeople would find her passed out and bloated from her gluttony she would wake up
to simple place blame on a mysterious third-party who was never around to defend themself.
"I was asleep, surely I could not have been the thief!" She would say.
But King Pyro had heard enough of her nonsense and decided to make an example of the
scoundrel. King Pyro had his guards apprehend the criminal, and lock a cow bell around
her neck. This cow bell, emblazoned with the words "UNIVersal DOUCHE", would ensure that
Catty was heard everywhere she went so that the citizens of the Cheesyverse could protect
themselves from her thievery.
Fromagerie FAQ
What is the purpose of this project?
uDOUCHE was created in response to UNIV rugging. The idea of an NFT that couldn't
be transferred, and would act like a stain on a wallet was floating around Twitter
Spaces, and I decided to make it a reality.
Why does it cost so much to send a uDOUCHE!?
If it was free to send these NFTs, not only would it likely cause problems with people
dozens of NFTs to people, but the NFTs would also hold less weight. It is kind of
like this classic Chris Rock joke.
If it costs a substantial amount of money to send a uDOUCHE then it stands to reason that
people aren't going to be sending them without a good reason.
Where do the proceeds go?
All proceeds from uDOUCHE sales goes into
the Cheesyverse Treasury. The goal for this treasury is to accumulate 100 AVAX
and use it to provide liquidity for kGOLD when it makes sense to do so.
What is the Cheesyverse?
The Cheesyverse was started after the infamous NFT project BattleBoobas rugged. I wanted
to work on my solidity skills, and decided to utilize the now worthless remnants of the
"BoobaVerse". I created cfactory.quest which allowed
people to deposit $MILK and NFTs in exchange for new, less offensive NFTs and the promise
of a future airdropped token (if I got around to it).
As more people deposited their unwanted $MILK and NFTs, I decided it was a good opportunity
to further my learning and reinforce some of the skills I had learned. This phase two of
the Cheesyverse has ERC20 and ERC721 minting, staking, and burning mechanisms that can be
found at fromage.cfactory.quest.
I got a uDOUCHE!? Am I a bad person!?
I don't know, are you? Considering someone spent their hard-earned money to make you look
like a douche, at the very least you should evaluate your life choices.
What is this nonsense??
Read the docs.
Can I help?
Maybe? What are you good at? Hit me up on Discord or Twitter @xrpant.